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Uniform Thank You

Thank you SO MUCH for your response to my recent letter about school uniform! Yesterday was the start of the new timetable and it was clear to see that a significant number of conversations about uniform had taken place in families. This has resulted in many  more of our pupils attending school in uniform. I really appreciate your support on this matter.

I know a number of you have reasonable questions about the consequences for those not routinely wearing uniform. The consequences- you might not be surprised to learn- will take account of a pupil’s individual circumstances. For those affected by poverty, we’ll help them access clothing grants and our school uniform bank. For those affected by sensory issues, we’ll seek some compromises around clothing items. For those who don’t really have any excuse then it might be a meeting with parents/carers or it might be ‘catch up time’ (otherwise known as detention in the past).

The senior management team will be carrying out spot checks this term and regularly when we return in August. In the meantime, thank you again for your support.

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