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English 1

English Department Aims

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be very intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”

Albert Einstein

All teachers aim to foster a challenging and supportive environment where our passion for the subject is evident and nurtured in the pupils. In all our classrooms, pupils will be actively engaged in well-paced, challenging lessons that allow each and every one of them to achieve their potential and beyond. Pupils will be supported in working toward the school values of respect, compassion, responsibility, commitment and honesty.

The Department

  • Mr Stephen Mansell (Principal Teacher)
  • Miss Jo Galloway
  • Dr Michael Gregson       
  • Mr Sean McAnena
  • Mrs Helen McGougan
  • Mrs Bridget Reid (Depute Rector)
  • Dr Lisa Rose
  • Miss Simona Subrt
  • Mrs Julie Talbot

English 2


The English department offers rich and varied courses from S1 to S6, and aims to provide pupils with language and literacy skills which will serve them well in life beyond school. In the Broad General Education phase from S1-S3, courses cover CfE English and Literacy Experiences and Outcomes to levels 3 & 4 across the four modes: Reading, Writing, Listening and Talking. Pupils will explore and understand how the English language works, and will gain from the study of a variety of stimulating texts in Poetry, Prose, Drama and Film. They will also have the opportunity to research and present independently on a range of topics and themes. These may well be cross-curricular, and are likely to involve use of the excellent school library and the internet. Such work will enhance pupils’ research skills and ability to organise and present their work.

S1-S3 Broad General Education

Pupils in S1-S3 will undertake work that exposes them to all the experiences and outcomes in English and Literacy as set out by Education Scotland. A range of texts will be used to access the skills needed to achieve their full potential:   Scottish texts, Shakespeare, poetry from a variety of cultures, quality non-Fiction, film, audio Clips, novels, print media, etc.

Assessment in the English classroom reflects Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes and Significant Aspects of Learning, and pupils are encouraged to set targets to plan for their success through learning conversations with their teacher. All students will receive regular feedback either oral or written and be given the opportunity to develop their self and peer assessment skills. Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation (previously Close Reading) assessments are given throughout each year to identify areas of strength and development. Pupil will have a BGE folio that tracks their progression through third and fourth level work. These folios display their ‘latest and best’ work and are carried on from one year to the next to continue the cohesive Literacy journey.

English 3

S4-6 Senior Phase

Within the Senior Phase, pupils will be placed on the appropriate achievement pathway. Pupil-teacher dialogue is ongoing within the department and all pupils will be aware of their own pathway and how to succeed as they progress.

National 4 Course Outline

English: Analysis and Evaluation

The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop listening and reading skills in the contexts of literature, language and media. Learners develop the skills needed to understand, analyse and evaluate straightforward texts.

English: Creation and Production

The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop talking and writing skills in familiar contexts. Learners develop the skills needed to create and produce straightforward texts in both written and oral forms.


The purpose of this Unit is to develop the learners’ reading, writing, listening and talking skills in a variety of forms relevant for learning, life and work. Learners develop the ability to understand straightforward ideas and information presented orally and in writing. Learners also develop the ability to communicate ideas and information orally and in writing with technical accuracy.

Added Value Unit:

The purpose of this Added Value Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to apply their language skills to investigate and report on a chosen topic. This assignment will allow the learner to demonstrate challenge and application.

To achieve the National 4 English Course, learners must pass all of the required Units, including the Added Value Unit.  National 4 courses do not have a final examination.

National 5 Course Outline

English: Analysis and Evaluation

Through the study of detailed texts in the contexts of literature, language or media, learners will use their listening and reading skills to provide evidence of understanding, analysis and evaluation, as appropriate to purpose and audience.

English: Creation and Production

Learners will be required to provide evidence of their talking and writing skills to create and produce detailed texts in a chosen context. Learners will be required to demonstrate technical accuracy in written texts.

The final folio is submitted at the end of February for presentation to the SQA. It is essential that the students meet the strict deadlines set by the school. Study skills and target setting will continue throughout March and April in the run up to the National 5 exam.

The Course assessment will take the form of:

  • a portfolio through which learners will demonstrate their writing skills AND
  • an external examination through which learners will demonstrate their reading skills.

Higher Course outline

English: Analysis and Evaluation

The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop listening and reading skills in the context of literature, language and media.  Learners develop the skills needed to understand, analyse and evaluate detailed and complex texts.

English: Creation and Production

The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop talking and writing skills in a wide range of contexts.  Learners develop the skills needed to create and produce detailed and complex texts in both written and oral forms.

As part of the final assessment, learners will provide evidence of their reading and writing skills and their ability to understand and use English language.

The Course assessment will take the form of:

  • a portfolio through which learners will demonstrate their writing skills AND
  • an external examination through which learners will demonstrate their reading skills.

Advanced Higher Course Outline

The course is designed for students with a real interest in English Literature who are considering following a course at University.  Typical courses include English, Media Studies, Publishing, Law or any other discipline that requires sophisticated analytical and critical thinking.

English: Analysis and Evaluation

The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners opportunities to develop the skill of critically responding to complex and sophisticated texts by applying knowledge of various ways by which meaning is created, and by understanding critical concepts and approaches.  Learners extend and refine their skills of analysis and evaluation through the study of complex and sophisticated literary texts from the genres of drama, poetry and prose (fiction and non-fiction).  Learners will also develop independent learning skills by selecting materials for research into an aspect or aspects of literature, formulating relevant tasks and researching primary and secondary sources.  Learners also develop organisational and presentational skills required in the production of a dissertation.

English: Creation and Production

The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to extend and refine their writing skills through the production of different types of writing.  Learners will use language creatively for a variety of purposes and in a variety of forms.  Learners will develop a range of skills necessary for the deployment of language to create effect.


The Course assessment will take the form of:

  • a portfolio through which will contain two pieces of writing AND
  • the dissertation AND
  • an external examination through which learners will write a critical response on drama or prose, and undertake a textual analysis of an unseen poem or extract from a poem, demonstrating an in-depth knowledge and understanding of complex and sophisticated literary text(s).

English 4


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