- Mr Scott Henderson (Principal Teacher)
- Mr Steve Cullen
- Mrs Daniela McGregor
The Resources
Three well equipped Physics labs with computer interfacing facilities in each. We try to show pupils how modern Physics labs work and also rely on computer modeling and simulations.
The Courses
The Physics department contributes significantly to the S1&2 course which covers all CfE Experiences and Outcomes to level 3. National 4 to Advanced Higher courses are covered in S3 to S6. There is progression from N4 in S3/4 to Higher in S6 or from N5 in S3/4 to Advanced Higher in S6. All courses have the same structure of Waves and Radiation; Dynamics and Space; Electricity and Energy. The most significant change that Curriculum for Excellence has brought to Physics is a greater emphasis on the study of cosmology. There is now also a greater use of the internet where students research topics such as the pros and cons of our activities in space, write reports and present their arguments.
The Results
Year on year, the Physics department has produced excellent SQA results at all levels, not just the elite Advanced Higher students who regularly progress to the top universities in Scotland and England.
The Extras
Pupils are encouraged to undertake personal research into areas that interest them and the expertise that we have in the department means that we can support that. Students are also encouraged to enter national competitions – for example the Scottish Space School where we regularly have successful entrants who attend the week long Space Academy at Strathclyde University in June each year. One of our students recently went on from that to attend a week long Space School with NASA in the USA.
The Welcome
The Physics department welcomes any student who is prepared to think about their world and their place in the universe. Our greatest delight is to see students who don’t think that they can think – think!