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  • Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award!

    Published 25/06/24

    We are delighted to share that we have officially achieved the Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award!  It is wonderful that the excellent work of the staff, pupils and our whole school community, to embed Children's Rights across the school and curriculum has been recognised. The assessor identified in their final report that we have “passionate and confident pupils who are clear on the importance of rights and are empowered to drive change within the school”. They also made comment on the “strategic approach by senior leaders and RRSA leads” and our “passionate teaching staff and parents, embedding a rights-based approach, putting it at the core of the school’s ethos”.

    We are the first secondary school in the North of Scotland to achieve this accolade.  Thank you to all who supported us achieve this. What a way to end the term!

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  • Stagecoach Service 16 to Foyers via Dores & Scaniport

    Published 25/06/24

    Message just in from Stagecoach regarding Service 16 to Foyers via Dores and Scaniport.

    "For the early school finish on Thursday 27th June. Our service 16 due to leave Inverness town centre at 12.35 will divert via the Inverness Royal Academy. The bus will arrive at the school around 12.55".

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  • Reminder-Last Day of Term Arrangements

    Published 25/06/24

    A reminder that school closes for the summer holidays at 12.25pm on Thursday 27th June.

    Transport Arrangements for the last day of term (Thursday 27th June) will be as follows;

    Highland Council School Buses - Depart school at 12.25

    Culloden / Sneckie Taxis - Departing 12.30/12.35

    All other transport providers will leave school at 12.25

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  • Drop Everything and Read session

    Published 25/06/24

    This week, our S2 and S3 English classes have taken part in Drop Everything and Read sessions. The library arranged book boxes to be delivered to these classes to provide reading material. Students were encouraged to check out a book they had started if they wanted to finish reading it over the summer. 


    As part of the development of a Reading School Culture, we are working towards raising the profile and importance of reading. We have a few fun reading themed events planned for the next school year and we would love to hear from you about what you'd like to see us do to encourage reading. Please leave a comment below if you have any ideas you'd like to share 🙂


    Research suggests that reading for 30 minutes a week increases health and wellbeing. Reading for pleasure has been found to improve our confidence and self-esteem, providing the grounding we need to pursue our goals and make life decisions. It can also aid our sleep and reduce feelings of loneliness. There are so many reasons why we should be encouraging our young people to develop reading habits.

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  • SQA Letter

    Published 25/06/24

    Please see here for a letter from Mrs Reid, Depute Rector & SQA Coordinator regarding SQA Results Day and Appeals Process

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  • Family Lending Library

    Published 24/06/24

    As part of our Reading Schools journey, we have been inspired by other schools to set up a family lending library after the summer, where families can take out a book/leave a book with no time pressures on returning it. We'll have this set up in our office waiting area.

    If you're clearing out any books this summer, please bring them to us! 

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  • Highland Schools’ Debating Competition

    Published 21/06/24

    IRA pupils represented the school brilliantly in the inaugural Highland Schools’ Debating Competition on Wednesday. The event was supported by Highland Council and Young Speakers Scotland, and generously sponsored by the law firm Brodies LLP. Brodies Family Law Partner Sarah Lilly attended to judge debates and speak to pupils about careers in law. Well done to Caspian Kingham (S6) and Ali Jones (S4) for speaking, as well as Julia Cacaj (S4) for judging for the first time. Special congratulations to Lois Patience (S4) who was selected by the Chief Adjudicator to judge the final. There will be lots of opportunities to participate in debating and public speaking next session, including mock COP, and interested pupils should speak to Mr Clarkson in RMPS.

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  • Chromebook, Uniform, Equipment Check Letter

    Published 21/06/24

    Letter from Mr McDonald regarding spot checks in classes here

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  • Reading Schools Accreditation

    Published 20/06/24

    "Reading enjoyment has been reported as more important for children’s educational success than their family’s socio-economic status." (OECD, 2002).

    The IRA is working towards Reading Schools Accreditation. We would love to have positive conversations around how we can encourage our students to read more. As part of our Reading Schools journey, we are asking students to use our school library to take out a book to read over the summer holidays. Our students have created a list of their top 10 books which is a great place to start if you're uncertain about what to recommend.

    Ask your child if they've managed to take out a book!  Thank you!

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  • YPI National Event in Perth

    Published 20/06/24

    Well done to all the S4 pupils who participated in YPI over the last academic year. They learned a lot about local charities and grew in confidence presenting to others. Some of the school finalists travelled to Perth last week for the YPI National Event. They had a great time listening to inspirational speakers, seeing a showcase of excellent pupil presentations from across Scotland, and listening to music by Joe Goodall. Our new S3 are already working hard in RMPS to make next session even better!

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  • Prize-giving

    Published 20/06/24

    It was lovely to see our prize-winners along with their parents/carers at last nights Senior Prizegiving Ceremony and at the B.G.E Prizegiving on the 12th June.

    You should all be very proud of yourselves for the commitment you have shown in class!👏🏆

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  • Free Bus Travel

    Published 20/06/24

    Free bus travel

    If your child is turning twelve, they will need a new National Entitlement Card (NEC) with a photo on it to access free bus travel. Photo-less NECs are only valid until the day before your child’s 12th birthday, and you can apply for a new NEC with their photo any time from their 11th birthday.

    The school will be placing a bulk application for new S1 pupils whose parents, carers or guardians wish to apply. This will be done once they start in the school after the summer. However you can apply before that from home if you wish. You can choose between a Young Scot NEC, which also provides rewards and discounts and is a PASS accredited form of ID, or a non branded NEC. Find out how to apply and read tips for parents, guardians and carers at

    Free bus travel can open up a world of possibilities with easier access to education, social and leisure opportunities. It can also help you to save money on public transport, making regular journeys and new adventures more affordable for your family!

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