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  • Uniform Thank You

    Published 28/05/24

    Thank you SO MUCH for your response to my recent letter about school uniform! Yesterday was the start of the new timetable and it was clear to see that a significant number of conversations about uniform had taken place in families. This has resulted in many  more of our pupils attending school in uniform. I really appreciate your support on this matter.

    I know a number of you have reasonable questions about the consequences for those not routinely wearing uniform. The consequences- you might not be surprised to learn- will take account of a pupil’s individual circumstances. For those affected by poverty, we’ll help them access clothing grants and our school uniform bank. For those affected by sensory issues, we’ll seek some compromises around clothing items. For those who don’t really have any excuse then it might be a meeting with parents/carers or it might be ‘catch up time’ (otherwise known as detention in the past).

    The senior management team will be carrying out spot checks this term and regularly when we return in August. In the meantime, thank you again for your support.

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  • Woods Talk on Squirrels and AGM

    Published 27/05/24

    Culduthel Community Woods are excited to have their squirrel expert talk on her work with the 'reds in the Highlands. Meet at 7.30pm at Culduthel Christian Centre. Come along and support your local wood at the AGM which follows.



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  • S3 Reports

    Published 24/05/24

    S3 pupils & parents should receive their reports later this afternoon via email

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  • Pupils in S4 & S5 - New Timetables

    Published 24/05/24

    Pupils in S4 and S5 returning for 2024-25 will be issued with their new timetables at registration on Monday morning.

    Pupils in S4 going into S5 should go to their usual register class.

    Pupils in S5 returning to S6 will possibly have different register teachers from those they had in S5. They will be asked via their google classrooms to check the lists that will be posted around the main atrium, HLH café area and the entrances when they arrive on Monday morning for their new registration classes.

    A list of register teachers is also included here and will be posted in the same places.

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  • House Winners 2024 Celebration! 🎉

    Published 23/05/24

    Congratulations to Lomond, our house champions for the 23/24 school year! 🏆

    Our pupils have been working hard all year, earning points through participation, sports, registration activities, rights respecting quizzes and may more ways. As a reward, students from Lomond enjoyed a special treat - an ice cream van visit at school followed by an afternoon of games and fun activities! 🍦🎈

    A huge well done to all the pupils in Lomond for their fantastic achievement! 🌟 And a big shoutout to all our houses - Wyvis, Nevis, Glamaig, and Slioch - for their efforts this year. 👏

    Here's to another brilliant year ahead! Good luck to all our houses for the upcoming school year! #HouseWinners #SchoolChampions #CelebrationTime #InvernessRoyalAcademy

    Photos of the day can be seen in the Photo Gallery Section of the website.


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  • The Royal Games!

    Published 23/05/24

    👑🏆🌧️ The rain held off until the last period at The Royal Games 2024! Our fun day was a fantastic start to our house points race for the upcoming school year. Lomond, last session winners, have taken an early lead - can they clinch victory again this year!?

    🎉🎽🥇 Tug Of War, Beat the Goalie, Wellie Tossing, Target Games, Gladiators, biking, and more exciting activities brought the school community together. A massive thank you to our PE department for organising and to all staff members for supervising and scoring throughout the day!

    🏅💪 Let's keep the spirit of The Royal Games alive and make the 24/25 school year one to remember! #TheRoyalGames2024 #TeamLomond #SchoolSportsDay #HousePointsRace #PEdepartment #InvernessRoyal Academy

    Check out our photos of the day in our photo gallery section.

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  • New Bus Timetable - 16, Upper Foyers

    Published 22/05/24

    Please see here for the new times of the service 16 bus from Upper Foyers to IRA. This service is now provided by Stagecoach.

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  • Uniform Letter

    Published 22/05/24

    Please see here for a letter that has been sent out to all parents/carers this morning regarding school uniform. A reminder that our school uniform is black trousers/skirt, white shirt, branded or non-branded black jumper/cardigan, black footwear and school tie.

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  • Battlefields Tour 2024

    Published 21/05/24

    Battlefields Tour 2024 – Day One

    After a long journey our group arrived in Belgium, first going to Tyne Cott Cemetery, where they visited the grave of former Royal Academy pupil, F. M. Mackenzie, killed during the Battle of Passchendaele.  We then travelled to the German war grave site of Langemark, before heading to Ypres to spend time at the ‘In Flanders Field’ Museum.

    Battlefields Tour 2024 – Day Two

    On the second day of the Battlefields Tour pupils visited the Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917 – a fascinating museum with an extensive collection of artefacts as well as a ‘Dugout Experience’ and a trench system.  Following this the group laid a wreath at the Frezenberg Ridge Scottish Memorial.  With free-time in the afternoon, pupils (& staff) had an opportunity to sample Belgian chocolates.  Later that evening, the group attended ‘The Last Post’ ceremony at the Menin Gate, where a wreath was laid on behalf of the school.

    Battlefields Tour 2024 – Day Three & Four then home…

    The third day of the Battlefields Tour saw the long journey from Belgium to France an the area of the Somme.  First visiting the Canadian National Vimy Memorial and Park, the group then travelled to Beaumont Hamel Newfoundland Memorial Park.  Here the group laid a wreath at the Monument to the 51st Highland Division.  The last two stops of the day were at the imposing Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme and finally, the Lochnagar Crater.  The following day the pupils went to this place called ‘Disneyland’ and then it was the long trek home…

    Check out our photos of the trip in our Photo Gallery.

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  • S3 Beach Clean

    Published 20/05/24

    S3 Biologists took to the shore at Fort George last week! Crabs, seagrass, lugworms and elusive dolphins and humpback whales were the order of the week. Huge thanks to the volunteers of the Marine Conservation Society, Moray Ocean Community Project and Whale and Dolphin Conservation who gave their time and talents to work alongside our students and give them an insight into Citizen Science.

    Check out more photos of the Beach Clean in our photo gallery!

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  • Save the Date

    Published 16/05/24

    Bidh cèilidh aig Roinn na Gàidhlig ann an talla na sgoile air Dimairt 25mh den Ògmhios. Cuiridh sinn fàilte air sgoilear sam bith a tha airson pàirt a ghabhail ann – na bithibh diùid!. Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh, tiogaidean is eile a dh’aithghearr.

    The Gaelic department will be hosting a showcase ceilidh on Tuesday 25th June at 7pm in the school theatre. All pupils are invited to take part whether as performers or helping behind the scenes – speak to a member of the Gaelic department for more information. Save the date and look out for more information to follow!

    Roinn na Gàidhlig

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  • Lockdown Drills Letter

    Published 14/05/24

    Please see here for a letter regarding Lockdown Drills  that has been sent out to all parents/carers today from our Rector, Mr Engstrand.


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01463 667800