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  • S1 Parents' Evening (Virtual)

    Published 14/05/24

    Virtual Evening - Wednesday 22nd May – 5pm - Booking is now open!

    This is your chance to meet with your child's class teachers and discuss the progress they are making in their subjects. Due to the size of the year group and the number of staff who have multiple S1 classes; you may not be able to book an appointment with every subject teacher. In a school of our size this has always been an issue. This year however we are trialling a hybrid model of a main ‘in person’ evening (taking place tonight - booking now closed) and then another opportunity to book appointments as part of a virtual evening. The virtual parents’ evening should only be used as a ‘top up’ and not the main evening for your bookings. Please refer to the criteria check list; there are three criteria for making these appointments and you must meet at least one of them so we can offer as many slots as fairly as possible.

    Don't miss this valuable opportunity to connect with our dedicated teaching staff.

    Ready to book your slots? Click here

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  • Reading School Survey

    Published 13/05/24

    We are hoping to gather some information about our school community's attitudes to reading. Please could you take 5 minutes to fill in this parent survey.

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  • S1 Reports

    Published 10/05/24

    S1 will receive their reports via email later this afternoon. Parents who have provided an up to date email address will also receive a copy. If you do not receive a copy, then please ask your child to share their report with you and discuss their progress.

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  • Well done to the Shieling Fundraising Group

    Published 03/05/24

    Following a very successful Family Games Night on 19 April, our Shieling Fundraising Group were excited to present Highland Hospice with the donations they had collected. We are so proud of these students, who not only planned an amazing event for our school community but were also role models of compassion and generosity.

    See Facebook post here

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  • Bùthan-obrach Dràma aig Eden Court | Gaelic Drama Workshops

    Published 01/05/24


    Tha sinn air leth toilichte innse gum bi dà bhùth-obrach dràma tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig an teirm seo air Disathairne 18 Cèitean agus Disathairne 15 Ògmhios 11.15m – 4f airson com-pàirtichean ann am P5 – AS1. Ma tha thu airson àite a ghlèidheadh feumaidh tu seo a dhèanamh tron box office againn air loidhne neo air 01463 234 234 (agus chan ann tro phost-d mar a b’ àbhaist dhuinn). ‘S e bùthan-obrach ‘drop-in’ a th’ annta agus ’s urrainn dhut àite a ghlèidheadh airson aon bhùth-obrach no an dà chuid. Chan eil cosgais ann airson na bùthan-obrach seo. Feumaidh com-pàirtichean bosga-bìdh a thoirt leotha air an latha agus aodach is brògan a tha freagarrach airson gluasad mu chuairt gu furasta. Tha glè bheag àitean ri fhaighinn agus mar sin feuch an glèidh thu àite gu sgiobalta ma tha ùidh agad.



    We are delighted to announce that there will be two Gaelic medium drama workshops this term on Sat 18 May and Sat 15 June 11.15am – 4pm for participants in P5 – S1. We are now taking bookings for the workshops through our box office online or on 01463 234 234 (and not via email like we have done previously). They are drop-in workshops so you can book for one workshop or both. There is no charge but participants must book a place. Participants will need to take a pack-lunch with them on the day and clothes and shoes suitable for moving around easily. Places are very limited so please do book quickly if you are interested.

    Please also keep an eye out in coming weeks for information about our 3 day Gaelic medium musical theatre summer course which will be happening during the summer holidays. Please see here for details.

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  • School Closure Dates

    Published 01/05/24

    A reminder that tomorrow is an In-Service Day and school will not be open to pupils (other than those sitting an exam).

    Monday 6th May is a holiday and school will be closed.


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  • S1 Parents' Evening

    Published 30/04/24

    📅 Tuesday 14th May - 5pm - 7pm

    This is your chance to meet with your child's class teachers and discuss the progress they are making in their subjects. Due to the size of the year group and the number of staff who have multiple S1 classes; you may not be able to book an appointment with every subject teacher.  In a school of our size this has always been an issue. This year however we are trialling a hybrid model of a main ‘in person’ evening and then another  opportunity to book appointments as part of a virtual evening.  The virtual parents’ evening should only  be used as a ‘top up’ and not the main evening for your bookings.  

    📆  Virtual Evening - Wednesday 22nd May – 5pm.

    👨‍🏫Don't miss this valuable opportunity to connect with our dedicated teaching staff.

    Ready to book your slots? Click here

    Virtual slots will open for booking on Wednesday 14th May.

    Need a guide? Check out this Parental Guide for instructions.

    Coffee, tea and cakes will be on sale in the atrium for a small donation – all proceeds to Blythswood ☕

    🅿️ Parking is expected to be very busy from 4.30pm onwards. If parents/carers are able to find alternative means to travel to the event, possibly car share, or be dropped-off and collected, this would help to ease any congestion. All support appreciated.

    For any issues or questions, please don't hesitate to contact the school office (01463 667800). We're here to help!

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  • Inverness Royal Academy pupils win £3000 grant for Maggie's Highland

    Published 29/04/24
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  • Family Games Night Fun!

    Published 23/04/24

    We had such a fun time at the Family Games Night on Friday! Thank you to all of those who came along to join in the fun. We are so proud of the students who organised this all, they did a fantastic job.

    We also had Mikeysline, Listening Ear CCC, and a representative from Welfare Support with us and it was great to be able to spread the word about these amazing charities who support our community. Please get in touch if you'd like to know more about the work that they do.

    Check out photos of the night in our photo gallery section.

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  • Bikeability S1-S3

    Published 22/04/24

    Bikeability – S1-3


    Do you want to cycle to school but are worried about riding on the roads?

    Do you already cycle to school but want to increase your confidence in traffic? 

    Do you want to learn how to tackle roundabouts and road junctions safely?


    There will be the opportunity to undertake Bikeability Level 2 and possibly Level 3 this term.  Bikes and helmets can be provided for the training if you don’t have your own and there is the potential for you to loan a bike if you don’t currently cycle to school. If you would be interested in this training please speak to or email Mrs Chisholm in PE.

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  • S6 School Leavers

    Published 22/04/24

    Last Day!

    For many of our pupils, today was their last day of Secondary School.

    As these young people embark out in to the ‘big world’ on their next chapter, we wish all the S6 pupils of Inverness Royal Academy every success in your future, and the very best of luck for your upcoming exams.

    Check out photos of their last day in our photo gallery section!

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  • Exam Briefing Assemblies

    Published 16/04/24

    All senior pupils have had an SQA exam briefing in assembly this week.  The briefing can be seen here.

    Any pupil who could not attend should make sure they read this presentation carefully as well as SQA’s booklet ‘Your Exams’.  

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Culduthel Road
01463 667800