S1 Parents' Evening (Virtual)
Virtual Evening - Wednesday 22nd May – 5pm - Booking is now open!
This is your chance to meet with your child's class teachers and discuss the progress they are making in their subjects. Due to the size of the year group and the number of staff who have multiple S1 classes; you may not be able to book an appointment with every subject teacher. In a school of our size this has always been an issue. This year however we are trialling a hybrid model of a main ‘in person’ evening (taking place tonight - booking now closed) and then another opportunity to book appointments as part of a virtual evening. The virtual parents’ evening should only be used as a ‘top up’ and not the main evening for your bookings. Please refer to the criteria check list; there are three criteria for making these appointments and you must meet at least one of them so we can offer as many slots as fairly as possible.
Don't miss this valuable opportunity to connect with our dedicated teaching staff.
Ready to book your slots? Click here
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