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Battlefields Tour 2024

Battlefields Tour 2024 – Day One

After a long journey our group arrived in Belgium, first going to Tyne Cott Cemetery, where they visited the grave of former Royal Academy pupil, F. M. Mackenzie, killed during the Battle of Passchendaele.  We then travelled to the German war grave site of Langemark, before heading to Ypres to spend time at the ‘In Flanders Field’ Museum.

Battlefields Tour 2024 – Day Two

On the second day of the Battlefields Tour pupils visited the Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917 – a fascinating museum with an extensive collection of artefacts as well as a ‘Dugout Experience’ and a trench system.  Following this the group laid a wreath at the Frezenberg Ridge Scottish Memorial.  With free-time in the afternoon, pupils (& staff) had an opportunity to sample Belgian chocolates.  Later that evening, the group attended ‘The Last Post’ ceremony at the Menin Gate, where a wreath was laid on behalf of the school.

Battlefields Tour 2024 – Day Three & Four then home…

The third day of the Battlefields Tour saw the long journey from Belgium to France an the area of the Somme.  First visiting the Canadian National Vimy Memorial and Park, the group then travelled to Beaumont Hamel Newfoundland Memorial Park.  Here the group laid a wreath at the Monument to the 51st Highland Division.  The last two stops of the day were at the imposing Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme and finally, the Lochnagar Crater.  The following day the pupils went to this place called ‘Disneyland’ and then it was the long trek home…

Check out our photos of the trip in our Photo Gallery.

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