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Drop Everything and Read session

This week, our S2 and S3 English classes have taken part in Drop Everything and Read sessions. The library arranged book boxes to be delivered to these classes to provide reading material. Students were encouraged to check out a book they had started if they wanted to finish reading it over the summer. 


As part of the development of a Reading School Culture, we are working towards raising the profile and importance of reading. We have a few fun reading themed events planned for the next school year and we would love to hear from you about what you'd like to see us do to encourage reading. Please leave a comment below if you have any ideas you'd like to share 🙂


Research suggests that reading for 30 minutes a week increases health and wellbeing. Reading for pleasure has been found to improve our confidence and self-esteem, providing the grounding we need to pursue our goals and make life decisions. It can also aid our sleep and reduce feelings of loneliness. There are so many reasons why we should be encouraging our young people to develop reading habits.

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