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Useful Information for New S1 Parents

Useful Information for New S1 Parents

-Locker letters will be issued next week to S1. For pupils who would like a locker, the cost is £10 and require a permission slip to be returned. Pupils can keep their locker throughout their time at school.

-Our Daily Notices (full of information for pupils) are shown to pupils every morning at registration. These are uploaded to our website at the end of each school day so parents/carers can view them as well. Please see 'Daily Notice' section of this website.

-We are in the process of compiling a list of extra curricular clubs your child can go along to if they wish. We have a variety of lunchtime and after school clubs that pupils are welcome to go along to, should they wish. The timetable for these will be published in the coming weeks.

-S1 Assembly Day is usually on a Friday. This week however, we had it on the first day of school.

-If your child is unwell or has an appointment during the school day please let the school know as soon as possible. You can do this by calling 01463 667800 or emailing us at (please note, you will not receive a reply to an absence email, due to the volume of emails we receive).

-If your child feels unwell during the day, they should go to the nurse and she will then contact home. Pupils are not permitted to sign out or leave the school without prior permission from a parent.

-We have put below a structure of our week, showing the timings of our daily periods, intervals and lunches for your information.

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Contact Us

Culduthel Road
01463 667800