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Family Learning Tonight

🗺️🏔️ 🌍Family Learning tonight @ Inverness Royal Academy 🗺️🏔️ 🌍


In 2016, Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent spent ten incredible weeks exploring Arunachal Pradesh. Cordoned off from the outside world from 1873 until the late 1990s, today the harshness of its terrain, a sensitive political situation, and the need for restrictive permits still make it a little-visited region. Travelling 2,000 miles by motorbike, foot and boat, she went from leech-infested jungles to the gompa-clad peaks of Tawang, followed explorer F M Bailey’s footsteps to the border with Tibet, and trekked deep into the sacred Buddhist kingdom of Pemako. She recounts stories of a journey which was cold, wet, hot, mind-blowingly beautiful, and constantly surprising.


Tickets purchased at the door (£10 / free for under18s) cash only. 


#inspiringpeople #royalgeographicalsocietyscotland #rsgs #familylearning #invernessroyalacademy #adventure #inspire #explore


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