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Parent Council

Our Role

The Parent Council supports Inverness Royal Academy to provide the best education and overall experience for school pupils. The Parent Council also aims to help with two-way communication between the school and parents/carers, in an open and friendly way and encourages everyone to engage and share their questions and views.

The Parent Council has a formal constitution available here  which is agreed with the Highland Council. There is further information about how Parent Councils work in the Highlands here. The Highland Council also provides some modest financial support to the Parent Council each year to deliver key activities, which include:

  • Providing a voice for parents/carers on issues that are important to them and school pupils
  • Helping the school to understand how to involve parents/carers most effectively
  • Supporting the school and headteacher to develop strong home and school partnerships
  • Supporting the school in its development and improvement, and in understanding and making links with the wider community
  • Making the most of the skills, interests, knowledge and experience which parents/carers can offer in order to help the school provide a broader range of activities, clubs, sports, and opportunities for pupils.

Parent Council news

The best way to keep up to date with Parent Council news is through our Facebook group.  All parents /carers are encouraged to keep in touch with the Parent Council about any issues that are important or which they want to see discussed or resolved.

Facebook: Inverness Royal Academy Parent Council link to join here


Parent Council meetings

The Parent Council meets at least four times a year, with a minimum of one meeting per term. It also has sub-groups which can meet to discuss specific topics. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held during the first school term and is when new Parent Council members and Office Bearers are elected.

All parents/carers are warmly invited to attend meetings to find out what’s happening in the school and share any views or questions.

Meetings usually take place between 7.00-8.30pm and are currently held at the school with the option to listen online, but please try to attend in person if you can. The agenda and links to the meetings are posted on the Parent Council Facebook page in advance and are also available here

Meeting Dates for this session are:

    • Tuesday 26 Nov 2024
    • Wed 26 Feb 2025
    • Tuesday 27 May 2025

2024-2025 Parent Council members

The Parent Council elected new members at their AGM in September 2024. Members represent pupils in all school years from S1-S6 and pupils learning in Gaelic.

Murray Ferguson, Chair

Alasdair MacLeod, Secretary

Julie Douglas, Treasurer

Neil Grant

Sharon Ferguson, School Fund Committee/ Lead on Comms and Social Media

Jacqui Wilson

Bruce Murdoch

Barbara Graham

Jenny Wilson

Susan Considine

Claudia Johnstone

 “The IRA is the largest school in the Highlands, and so it is really important that we have a good strong Parent Council to support everything that happens there. There is a great team of staff at the school and a wonderful bunch of kids. I’m sure all the parents/carers will do all they can to support them over the next few years.”

Murray Ferguson, IRA Parent Council Chair

Contact Us

Culduthel Road
01463 667800