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Physical Education


  • Mr Norrie Morrison (Principal Teacher)
  • Mr Ruaridh Anderson
  • Mrs Jane Chisholm
  • Mr Iain Dunbar
  • Mr Alex Gunn (Depute Rector)
  • Mr Aidan Hersee
  • Miss Karen Mason
  • Mrs Julia Scott

Physical Education acts as a stimulus for personal achievement, and this makes it an ideal platform for developing confidence, resilience, responsibility and working co-operatively with others. The courses also promote mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing.

Kit Policy

We have high standards within the PE department and ask that all pupils come prepared with an appropriate change of top/t-shirt, bottoms/shorts and footwear for the venue/activity their class is currently on. Whilst we retain professional judgement and sympathy for certain situations, the general pathway for failing to meet these standards is shown.

  1. Warning/borrow from our spare cupboard of laundered kit
  2. Letter home to parents
  3. Detention and writing work
  4. Referral to head of department/guidance


S1-3 Broad General Education


The key aim of S1-3 PE is to develop the skills and attributes of the significant aspects of learning. This is done through 3 main areas of study; Cooperation and Competition; Movement Skills, Competencies and Concepts; and Evaluating and Appreciating in line with Curriculum for Excellence. Throughout this process, we also include opportunities for pupils to improve their literacy and numeracy skills, whilst maintaining a committed focus on improving pupils Health and Wellbeing. In S1&2, pupils work on 6 core activities (football, hockey, basketball, badminton, gymnastics and athletics) with the aim of all pupils to achieve Level 3 Health and Wellbeing PE outcomes. In S3, the pupils work from the same three areas of study, however aim to reach Level 4 outcomes in less mainstream sports such as lacrosse, volleyball, handball, orienteering and short tennis.

National PE (4th year)

Pupils can elect to study National PE course which has 2 main areas of study and assessment.

Practical Performance

Pupils are participating in 5 areas of activities; athletics, team outdoor, team indoor, aesthetics and racquet sports. Pupils must attain a minimum level of performance in at least two activities to pass the unit (one at N4).

Factors Impacting on Performance

Throughout the practical lessons pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of the factors which impact on their performance. They will use this knowledge to develop their own performance and evaluate the development process. Pupils will be assessed through a series of written tasks. These will be collated throughout the year and at N5 submitted as a portfolio which contributes 40% to the overall grade of A-D.

At N5 performance is worth a total of 60% of the overall grade and includes the preparation for (10%) and evaluation of (10%) a one-off performance (40%). At N4 there is no course assessment, instead the final performance is graded pass/fail for the Added Value Unit.

More information on the courses can be found on the SQA website:

National 5:

National 4:


The school has a very successful Higher PE programme that is offered in S5/6. The course allows learners to develop and demonstrate a broad and comprehensive range of complex movement and performance skills in challenging contexts. Learners also analyse performance, understand what is required to develop it, and apply this knowledge to their own performance.

Assessment for internal units is continuous throughout the session with pupils being assessed on Performance Skills and Factors Impacting Performance. Internal course assessment (60%) consists of; planning (8%), one-off Performance (40%) and evaluating (12%). The external assessment (40%) is a written exam which requires pupils to:

  • analyse factors that impact on performance
  • explain a range of approaches for developing performance
  • analyse the recording, monitoring and evaluation of performance development

More information on the courses can be found on the SQA website:

Advanced Higher

The Advanced Higher course develops independent learning and research skills to enable pupils to investigate and improve their own sports performance. (PDF)


We offer a range of extra-curricular programmes and sports trips throughout the year. Please check the PE noticeboards, daily pupil notices and the PE Twitter page for the most up to date information regarding training days and times and other extracurricular information.


Contact Us

Culduthel Road
01463 667800